Tuesday, March 3, 2020

lee Wesprinkle - Easy Tips to Help Find Your Film Making Crew

Getting a crew together can be a little tough, but its not as hard as you might think. I'll show you some tips I have learned in my experience in filming and putting a good crew together.

 To do this, lee Wesprinkle separate it all into different departments, which makes it easier to manage. I am going to list some departments here, although yours may be a little different: Production which includes the producer and any assistants, Art which includes the artists, sets, props etc, Make-up, which includes hair, make-up and costumes, Camera which is who is shooting the scene with the camera, Sound and Lighting, which is where your technicians come in, and Crafting, basically making food etc. Yours may have more departments then that, but that is the basic set up.

If you know anyone in the industry that has some type of experience in filming, editing, shooting or anything like that, see if you can acquire their help. If your just starting out you probably wont know anyone like that, but its always a good idea and ask your friends if they do. Maybe they did a little project awhile back you didn't know about, or before you met them. It never hurts to ask.
If your friends don't have professional experience, maybe their friends do. Ask your friends if they know anyone that has experience in the film making industry. The chances may be small, but when first starting out those chances will be huge for you.

Lets back up to asking your friends for help again. But this time don't worry about if they have experience in the film industry. Maybe they have skills that relate to business in general. You might have friends that are good at writing, keeping track of money, running errands things like that. Maybe some of them want to act and need some experience. 

This would be a good opportunity for them. lee Wesprinkle may not be able to pay them right away, but I'm sure they wont mind. Most friends will lend a hand if you need it.

Personally one of the best ways to find crew members is students. These students want to make a name for themselves and put some films under their belt. Not all of them are actors either. You can find students to help in all departments of your film. Remember they are going to school in this industry, so they will be eager to show their skills and do a good job for you. Most will take small pay or no pay in exchange for the experience. Check online for schools that have job boards with students looking for work.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Lee Coles - Life is the flower for which love is the honey

I crave and seek a natural explanation of all phenomena upon this earth, but the word 'natural' to me implies more than mere chemistry and physics. The birth of a baby and the blooming of a flower are natural events, but the laboratory methods forever fail to give us the key to the secret of either.

The smallest flower is a thought, a life answering to some feature of the Great Whole, of whom they have a persistent intuition.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Lee Coles - Film Production Services Who to Choose and Why

You're obviously looking for quality film production services or else you wouldn't be reading this article. Lee Coles say you have come to the right place if you want to learn on what to look for in a film production company so you won't be disappointed, so I suggest you continue reading. Here are a few tips on what to take into consideration while choosing a company to work with:

Search Wide and Vast

Choosing the first company you come across to manage your project could be a regret you don't want to be burdened with. Just because you might feel they can do the job to your specifications doesn't mean there isn't a better deal out there. You could be shooting yourself in the foot going with the first company you come across so please don't make this mistake.

Compare one company against another and be sure to way each of their strengths against their weaknesses. You might have to compromise professionalism for cost depending on your film budget. Also find out how long they have been in the industry for. I'm not saying a new company can't out perform an established one and vice versa but generally an established company has been around for a while for a reason, they have happy clients.

Price and Budget

You have to have a budget in mind before you approach a company. If you don't have a clue as to what your budget should be ask all the potential companies to quote you and compare them against each other. Lee Coles have a figure in mind don't get too attached to it as what you think will be an easy job might actually be quite hard to achieve from a professional perspective so you might have to increase your budget or make a production sacrifice, the choice is yours.

A Quality Company Will Have a Reputation

Quality film production companies will have a stream of satisfied customers. Don't be afraid to ask potential companies for testimonials of their previous clients and samples of their work. They should gladly agree and this will give you a rough idea of the quality of their work and client relations. If you know anyone who has dealt with film production companies before, be sure to ask them on their experiences and what to look out for.

Time is Money

Obviously you want your finished product in the quickest time possible. To safe guard you from being disappointed ask on a time frame for your project but also remember independent factors could affect the production time such as weather and location factors.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The sun will rise, and we will try again.

At the moment that everything goes dark, the sunset in front of us becomes the whole story. But if we find courage enough to wait until tomorrow morning, we will suddenly come to understand that in reality yesterday’s sunset was only half of the story.

How glorious a greeting the sun gives the mountains.

Every sunrise gives you a new beginning and a new ending. Let this morning be a new beginning to a better relationship and a new ending to the bad memories. It’s an opportunity to enjoy life, breathe freely, think and love. Be grateful for this beautiful day.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results

We tend to think that, in a traditional organisation, people are producing results because management wants results, but the essence of a high-quality organisation is people producing results because they want the results. It’s puzzling we find that hard to understand, that if people are really enjoying, they’ll innovate, they’ll take risks, they’ll have trust with one another because they are really committed to what they’re doing and it’s fun

Monday, January 20, 2020

Lee Coles - Digital Film Production Tips

No amount of free filmmaking software is going to help you learn the ins and outs of digital film production. How many people out there have had a friend or relative with a digital camera and free digital editing software show them a terrible movie they made? The screening is usually in someone's living room. Friends and family gather around eating movie popcorn to show support. Lee Coles says it while they watch, but they are thinking, "what a POS." When the end credits mercifully appear a few people will offer up half-hearted words of support.

Poor digital film production technique should only be seen in personal sex tapes and really bad wedding videos. Having digital film production equipment and software is worthless unless you learn the skills on how to use them like a savvy indie filmmaker. If you put in just a little effort and time to learn the basic core principals of digital film production your movie will be far better off for it. Like most areas of life, the more effort you put even the greater the results. For the short time I have your attention I am going to share with you some digital film production cornerstones that will make you a better filmmaker.

 Nothing worse then trying to learn how to use a camera on set. Cast and crew will lose patience causing frustration that leads to sloppy work and performances. Unavoidable technical problems can be forgiven while they are worked out. Lack of know how on your part won't be. Cast and crew will turn on you quick. Even if it is an all volunteer production team they expect you to respect their time and not waste it.

Lee Coles says most indie filmmakers use shooting locations they have access to. It's smart filmmaking to take your script to your locations and decide where you want the camera positions to be. In straightforward movie making talk this can be done with simple camera shot sheets and storyboards. In general a shot sheet is a sequential list of what you want the camera to film during a certain scene. Think of it like directions to get some place. In this case the some place is the end of your scene. Storyboards are based on the same idea, but illustrations are used instead of only words. Knowing where you are visually going before you get on set greatly increases the odds your movie will get completed and not be a POS. Plus having a filming road map allows you more chances to be creative with your shots because you're not lost wondering, "where do I go next?"

If you have to beg or borrow an external directional microphone (shotgun mic) for your shoot do it. Bad audio will turn people off to your movie faster than microwave popcorn can pop. Two common mistakes many aspiring filmmakers make is they do not pay enough attention to mic placement during shooting and they do not bother to make notes on possible audio problems at certain locations. You would be shocked how much difference good mic placement adds to audio quality. Even if your only armed with one so-so shotgun mic you are way better off than only relying on built-in camera mic. With an external shotgun mic you have freedom to find the best place to pick up audio. During one movie shoot we realized we got much better sound quality by capturing dialogue from below the actors as opposed to above them. Our rock n roll sound person went from standing on a step ladder to lying flat on their back. It worked awesome for audio.

Do not get hung up on how cool a location looks if it has audio problems. Avoid locations near busy train tracks, airports, or high traffic areas if there is important dialogue that needs to be recorded during a scene. Most indie film budgets cannot afford the cost of automated dialogue replacement (ADR). Go in thinking any audio you record on location is what you will have when you edit your masterpiece.

There is much more to digital film production then what I was able to cover for the limited time I have had your attention. But I'm confident these tips will make you a more savvy indie filmmaker. If you are serious and hungry for more detailed information on how to make a successful movie joint the list for Movie Biz Coach. I've signed on as a regular contributor and have tons to share on making movies from screenwriting to distribution.

lee Wesprinkle - Easy Tips to Help Find Your Film Making Crew

Getting a crew together can be a little tough, but its not as hard as you might think. I'll show you some tips I have learned in my e...